The Universal Audio Lion ’68 Super Lead Amp Pedal emulates three distinct late-’60s 100-watt plexi amplifiers – Super Lead, Super Bass, and “Brown”.
Featuring a Maestro EP-III preamp, and a Boss GE-10 ten-band EQ, the Universal Audio Lion ’68 has six classic mic/speaker pairing to experiment with.
Use the UAFX mobile app to find and save your favorite tones.
Three Stock Cabinets
- Vintage 1968 basketweave 4×12 cabinet with vinyl removed, with Celestion Greenback speakers, miked with a ribbon 160 mic and a dynamic 57 mic.
- Vintage Celestion greenback 30-watt speakers in a 4×12 closed-back cab, miked with a 57 dynamic mic and a ribbon 121 mic.
- 1968 basketweave 4×12 cabinet with vinyl removed, with two Celestion Greenback speakers and two JBL 120F speakers. Both speaker types are miked separately with dynamic 57s, and pre-mixed.
3 Bonus Cabinets (with UAFX Mobile app)
- Classic 12″, 200 watt Electro-Voice EVM12L speaker with a massive magnet in a 1×12 cabinet, miked with a 414 condenser mic.
- Custom ported 2×12 cabinet with British 65-watt speakers, miked with a 421 dynamic mic and a ribbon 121 mic.
- 4×12 cabinet with British V30 speakers, miked with a 414 condenser mic.
Lion ’68 is the only pedal that delivers the dead-on tones of three distinct 100-watt plexi amplifiers. Built on powerful dual-engine processing and world-class UAD modeling, you get all the gorgeous cleans, aggressive breakup, and hot-rodded roar of the originals. []