Electronics Repair with Square Music Co.

Electronics repair involves a blend of technical skills and detective work to diagnose and fix problems in electronic devices.

Square Music Company provides electronics repair for:
Consumer Electronics, Pro-Audio Gear, Amplifiers, Electric Instruments and more

Are you ready to get started? Complete our electronics repair form and we will contact you to make arrangements.

get Started

Please visit the shop and bring your gear. Be prepared to leave it at the store for estimates. If you are shipping your gear then please package it accordingly.

meet or technicians


Electronics repair cost starts with a $20.00 non-refundable deposit. If basic attention is not enough, then an estimate will be provided before servicing.


Anything beyond basic service will require an evaluation and estimate before servicing. Your deposit will be applied to your final bill.


  • Inspection and Testing: Examine the device for any physical damage or signs of malfunction. We might also use specialized tools to run diagnostic tests and pinpoint the root cause of the issue.
  • Diagnosis and Estimation: Once we have a good understanding of the problem, we’ll need to translate that into a solution for the customer. This involves explaining what’s wrong, if a repair is possible, and providing an estimate for the cost and time involved.
  • Repairing the Device: It’s time to fix the device. This could involve soldering or replacing faulty components, cleaning internal parts, or even reinstalling software.
  • Testing and Verification: After the repair, we’ll thoroughly test the device to ensure it’s functioning properly and the original problem is resolved.


  • Safety First: Electronics deal with electricity, so take steps to minimize risks. Use proper insulation, avoid repairs on live circuits, and discharge capacitors before working on them.
  • Cost vs. Replacement: Repairing electronics isn’t always the most economical option. Consider the device’s age and value. Sometimes, replacing a device with a newer model might be more cost-effective than fixing a complex issue.
  • Patience and Organization: Electronics repair requires patience and meticulousness. Disassembling devices can involve numerous tiny screws and parts. Keep track of everything you remove, and take pictures during disassembly to aid reassembly.
  • The Right Tools: Having the proper tools and equipment is essential for efficient and successful repairs.