Square Music Company is proud to host our 2021 September Skate Competition and Exhibition in Macomb, IL at the Dudley Skate Park.
The September Skate Competition and Exhibition is a series of competitions and a few exhibitions. Prizes will be given and we will start a points tabulation for competitors for future events. Skateboard completes and decks and gear will also be available on-site for purchase.
Spectators should enter from Dudley Street. We will have a check in table set-up where we can give you a bracelet for the event. To be at the event you will need a bracelet. While the competition and exhibition is happening we will need all spectators to respect and maintain certain distances from marked off areas where the events are happening. We will also ask that you not free skate during the competition.
Competitors for the Aug Skate Competition and Exhibition should show up early and sign-up for competition. We will ask you to sign a waiver – Under 18 will need a parent or guardian signature. You will have a specific bracelet for the event. During the competition we will need you to stay within the competition area.
Special thank you to our sponsors:
Kunes Auto Group • Brown’s Shoe Fit • Macomb Jackson House (airbnb) • Nelson’s Clothing Store • The Old Dairy • Sullivan Taylor Coffee House • Battlegrounds LGS • Community News Brief • MacombSquare.com • Skate Ice Street Wax
4:00-4:30 – Setup
4:30-5:30 – Competitor Sign-Up / Check in
5:30-7:00 – Competition / Exhibition
7:00-7:30 – Winners Announcement / Prize Giveaway
7:30-8:00 – Tear Down
Prizes will be rewarded based on points.
1st Place Points
2nd Place Points
3rd Place Points
We’ll also have some random prizes.